Monday, January 13, 2014

Magic New Year 2014

Despite all the trouble I was having, last year ended fairly awesome.I learned from my mistakes and I grew as a person.  I finished my hardest semester to date as follows:

My first blog of the New Year!!!!!!

I wanted to get organized and have a place to work, study and game, so for the New Year I built myself a new work area . The pictures are a bit crappy because they were taken with my phone.

I am taking 4 classes this semester:
     1.Intro to Chemistry
     2.Applied Physics
     3. Pre-Calc
     4. ENC1102
This is my first semester I feel like I am actually doing something productive towards my Major... it feels awesome! Also if my College credit list is correct I only have this Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters to complete before I graduate with my AA. #ITAINTEASYBEINGBEASY

Life feels like its moving along for me now. I don't feel stagnant any more. Honey and I are discussing marriage. It's gonna happen sometime this year, I think. MFW I think about being married to her

But getting married and marriage itself is filled with all new challenges. It is something we have discussed and we both feel like we are ready to face them together. 

I believe Honey and I are going to start doing a vlog/blog together as a journal about our journeys going forth in life. I also am considering doing a gaming/whatever I want vlog/blog for my own enjoyment. 

Happy New Year! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dr. Robotnic

So during a study break I found an amazing video that demonstrates the current capabilities of robotics. I was truly amazed and swayed.
I knew for a while now that I wanted to do some type of engineering because the process of building and creating is just so absolutely fantastically fascinating. I thought for a while that what I wanted to do was design rockets but the more I think about it, I don't know if that is all that interesting to me. (Maybe if it was designing space frigates) But building machines or robots to help man explore other worlds now that is something that totally fascinates me. I don't know if I will ever personally have the chance to go to space but building something that may is the next best thing right?

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today was a pretty abnormal because it started off normal, got progressively more shitty and then suddenly at around 6:30 PM became really good. 

I did a lot of informative reading and pondering today. It seems like when I read and ponder, I can better formulate my thoughts. So since I haven't written a blog in awhile,  I figured now would be a really good time to get some stuff down more permanently so I can reference it later for more pondering. 

I did some reading on the effects of marijuana as a health supplement and medicine. The findings are truly incredible. Receptors in the human body that work directly with the chemicals found in the cannabis plant. It's ability to stop cancer cells. It's use in pain relief and stress relief. I find it frustrating though because here is this substance that clearly has a ton of beneficial uses but it's completely illegal. Not that I would want to start smoking but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about the oil or edible goods. 

I found a post on Reddit about some projects beginning engineers could do to learn some basic principles of Engineering. Most of the stuff I really want to try. Stuff like building a circuit board, a gas powered rc car,an autonomous ball shooting robot and a remote controlled drone/plane. 

I was thinking about the way I learn today. I am very visual and hands on for sure, but I need input and interaction with my peers. I need this interaction to discuss and bounce ideas around about a topic. This is how I truly learn best. (as long as they are focused and not easily distracted like me) If I have some one to interact with that is when I do the best work. The interaction helps me filter ideas, reinforce concepts and answer questions. My Math class completely lacks this aspect all together. So not only do I feel at a disadvantage because the Professor is inept at teaching but I feel like I have no one to even share with. 

Have I mentioned how much I loved Power Rangers as a kid and How much I love Pacific Rim now? 
So here is a picture of the Megazord and Dragonzord as Jaegers I found on the interwebs

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's Not All Bad

So I completely bombed the Algebra test.I got a 33%. I also have a really full plate of other school work. However I am not stressed or worried at all. I've actually been having a really good and productive week. I am working on setting goals, writing them down and then checking them off as I accomplish them. I have been making studying a priority and with the help of my Honeybee I have been able to get a lot of my school work finished. We went to the library tonight. We rented one of the quiet study rooms which was a major improvement from the circus I live and normally study in. The last couple of days I've really been thinking about what are some things I can teach myself that will help me later in my study of engineering. I feel like I have always had an interest in Science and with making or building things, but I feel like I didn't learn or participate in those types of activities as much as other kids. I feel like a lot of younger kids already know how to solder or construct a circuit, stuff like that. YouTube videos really enforce my feelings. I can't help but to think these kids already have a better start then I do or that they will be more successful at this then me because they already have so much experience. Am I wrong? Can I catch up? I feel like they have already earned their first badge and I'm still in Pallet Town trying to figure out how to convince Gary's sister to give me a damn map. I'm gonna keep pushing to do better!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Awesometotes (Asymptotes)

   So far I haven't needed to seek help with any of my Algebra homework for my past semesters, but this semester I managed to get a vegetable as a teacher. YouTube is a God send! I am really utilizing YouTube to supplement a large part of my learning. Thankfully! I always find videos from much better Professors who actually know how to concisely explain the steps to solving the problems. When I understand something, when it all comes together, it makes me feel really happy and successful.

I actually had a pretty awesome day! Yo my name is Joe...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Didn't Einstein Make Meth?

Today went by really quick for me, which has pros and cons. Pro: Work went reasonably quick. Con: so did the rest of my time. Now it is 10 o'clock at night. Time for bed so I can wake up and start the bull crap all over again tomorrow. This same old routine, where I wake up at the crack of dawn, to go do a job I hate with a passion. I know people do stuff all the time they hate but why do they do it? I don't want to do something I hate that makes me miserable. I keep telling myself only a couple more weeks then I can say screw this I'm out of here I'm gonna try my hand at something that doesn't make me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I need something where I can make money from home but doesn't require all my energy and so much of my time. Or is that asking too much? Everyone wants that right? Am I just being a big baby? Maybe I should learn to make meth...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Not So Mindless Monday

Monday is usually awful for me. Having to wake up at 6 AM after the weekend, then going to work, where I work myself to exhaustion. It is one of the worst things I can ever imagine. My job is physical and mindless, most days go by so painfully slow because I spend the whole day repeating a physical task for hours. I try to think but if I get too distracted I could hurt myself. So today I called out sick and instead did something I decided was more valuable to me in the long run. I spent my day learning! I watched videos on Youtube about concepts i was learning in Algebra/Pre-Calc. Then I found some videos of some truly inspiring young people most younger then 14 who have already began to achieve what I want for myself in the near future.

Jacob Barnett
Forget What You Know

Tanishq Abraham
THNKR Child Prodigy