I did a lot of informative reading and pondering today. It seems like when I read and ponder, I can better formulate my thoughts. So since I haven't written a blog in awhile, I figured now would be a really good time to get some stuff down more permanently so I can reference it later for more pondering.
I did some reading on the effects of marijuana as a health supplement and medicine. The findings are truly incredible. Receptors in the human body that work directly with the chemicals found in the cannabis plant. It's ability to stop cancer cells. It's use in pain relief and stress relief. I find it frustrating though because here is this substance that clearly has a ton of beneficial uses but it's completely illegal. Not that I would want to start smoking but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about the oil or edible goods.
I found a post on Reddit about some projects beginning engineers could do to learn some basic principles of Engineering. Most of the stuff I really want to try. Stuff like building a circuit board, a gas powered rc car,an autonomous ball shooting robot and a remote controlled drone/plane.
I was thinking about the way I learn today. I am very visual and hands on for sure, but I need input and interaction with my peers. I need this interaction to discuss and bounce ideas around about a topic. This is how I truly learn best. (as long as they are focused and not easily distracted like me) If I have some one to interact with that is when I do the best work. The interaction helps me filter ideas, reinforce concepts and answer questions. My Math class completely lacks this aspect all together. So not only do I feel at a disadvantage because the Professor is inept at teaching but I feel like I have no one to even share with.
Have I mentioned how much I loved Power Rangers as a kid and How much I love Pacific Rim now?
So here is a picture of the Megazord and Dragonzord as Jaegers I found on the interwebs