Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Didn't Einstein Make Meth?

Today went by really quick for me, which has pros and cons. Pro: Work went reasonably quick. Con: so did the rest of my time. Now it is 10 o'clock at night. Time for bed so I can wake up and start the bull crap all over again tomorrow. This same old routine, where I wake up at the crack of dawn, to go do a job I hate with a passion. I know people do stuff all the time they hate but why do they do it? I don't want to do something I hate that makes me miserable. I keep telling myself only a couple more weeks then I can say screw this I'm out of here I'm gonna try my hand at something that doesn't make me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I need something where I can make money from home but doesn't require all my energy and so much of my time. Or is that asking too much? Everyone wants that right? Am I just being a big baby? Maybe I should learn to make meth...

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